District Overview

Mission Statement

The purpose of the district is the proper conservation and management of the groundwater resources. It is also to provide local land owners and water users with the ability to be directly involved in the process by establishing their own regulations regarding the resource. Moreover, all necessary research and education are to be conducted under local direction. Finally, the district is to cooperate with other local, state and federal agencies in their endeavors.

Northwest Groundwater Management District 4

Contact Person: Shannon Kenyon, District Manager, skenyon@gmd4.org

Location: All or parts of Cheyenne, Rawlins, Decatur, Sherman, Thomas, Sheridan, Graham, Wallace, Logan and Gove Counties, Kansas, (District Map).

Formation Date: March 1, 1976

Formation Authority: KSA 82a-1020 et seq.

Size: 3.11 Million acres (4852 square miles)

Governing Body: A locally elected board of 11 members are in charge of all district activity. Each board member represents all land owners and water users within the county borders of the position they hold. They are elected to 3-year terms.

GMD 4 District Election Procedure

Financing: Local land assessment and water user charges are authorized by statute. The District can also accept gifts and grants, can incur indebtedness and can seek no fund warrants and special project financing under some circumstances.